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Savaged (aka Avenged)
97 min | Horror | English
Director: Michael S. Ojeda
While travelling across country, Zoe, a lovely deaf mute woman, stumbles on a horrific crime a gang of rednecks slaughtering two Native American boys. Zoes brave attempt to save one of the boys seals her fate, as she is captured, raped and left for dead. When an Indian shaman finds her clinging to life in a shallow grave he attempts to save her but something goes horribly wrong. The spirit of an ancient Apache warrior takes host of Zoes dead body. So now she walks amongst the living, hell-bent on getting revenge. One by one she slaughters the men who brutalized her, while the clock ticks away on her quickly decomposing body.
Amanda Adrienne
Ronny Gene Blevins
Rod Rowland
Tom Ardavany

Blu-ray $55.55


The Reviews - 5 out of 5 Stars
"Director Michael S. Ojeda takes one of the most incomprehensible plot lines I have ever heard of and spins it into one of the most brilliant and "bloody" heartfelt masterpieces I have ever been privy to witness on screen."
​ - 5 out of 5 Stars
"Talk about a feast of vengeance... Satisfying and absolutely glorious... Avenged delivers on all level... This rape revenge/Redsploitation hybrid is delerious fun that'll knock you on your ass." - 4 out of 5 Stars
"...a love-lost, ass kicking, blood-soaked, "day of reckoning" type of film”
“The female The Crow we’ve been waiting for... Feels like the way movies are supposed to be made.”
“EXPLOSIVE! Put Avenged on your must watch list. Michael S. Ojeda has a bright career ahead of him.”
Savaged Blu-Ray disc available for the first time in the USA, with never before seen footage, behind the scenes documentary and concept previz's created for the film. Also, your blu-ray autographed by director Michael S. Ojeda